Saturday, October 24, 2009

What does a one-year old do?

Now that Sabine is one year old, we decided to list some of her new accomplishments.

Her first words are "uh-oh", "quack", "hi!" and apparently "boo-ya".

She can't say "no", but she is great at waving stuff off and shaking her head vigorously. Especially when it comes to picking out her books at bedtime.

She's down to two naps a day, with three hours between them - leaving lots of times for walks.

She is getting better at coloring and likes to dance to her favorite music.

Bine can hold her own bottle now and is becoming a pro with the sippy cup.

She can pick up food off her plate and put it into her mouth.

She eats 5,000 Cherrios a day.

She loves her bike helmet and has a good laugh looking at it in the mirror.

She has six teeth - 2 on the botom and 4 on top.

She's getting really good at walking now. These videos are a week old and she's already walking further and longer.

She always has a new trick - lately she's ben scrunching up her face and loudly breathing in and out of her mouth.


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