Sunday, December 6, 2009

Operation One Nap

Encouraged by Sabine's teachers at daycare, we've decided to take the big step of going from two naps to one nap. So far, so good. We're also trying to wean her off formula and the bottle. It's been fairly easy to wean her off the formula, we just diluted it with whole milk. So she's now at 3/4's milk and 1/4 formula. But she just doesn't want to drink from anything other than a bottle/nipple.

We've also been trying to give her more solid foods and she is really liking that. She loves to eat what mommy and daddy are eating. Over 4 hours this morning, she ate an entire banana, a whole baby yogurt, a little scrambled eggs and a small bowl of cheerios and milk!

Sabine loves her new early Xmas present....


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